So I was reading Kenzie a story out of Wayside School the other night and she looks up at me and sees something new. What was you ask? It was my nose hair. Kenzie said, "Daddy you have hair coming out of your nose, can I pull it out?" I guess this shouldn't surprise me; after all, my wife bought me a nose hair trimmer for Christmas! Bedtime is my time with Kenzie. We start off by fighting to get pj's on and then picking out ONE story to read. After reading one story of Kenzie's choosing we read a chapter of Wayside School (because it rocks). Kenzie's favorite chapter is chapter 19 Sammy. Sammy is a dead rat with a bad attitude. Next we read a bible story. We have read through her children’s bible 6 times now (not including the other two children’s bible's/story books she has). This has been such a reward. It is a great have Kenzie's bible teachers tell me she knows her stories very well! Then we finish our bedtime reading with a chapter from a novel. We have read Charlotte's Web, Because of Winne Dixie, The Little Princess, and Island of the Blue Dolphin. We are currently reading the Secret Garden and in the future will read Anne of Green Gables, The Wizard of Oz, The Little House on the Prairie series, and any other book I never read as a child and wish I had (Laurel hates Dickens, but I'm looking forward to reading some to her, as well as Harry Potter when she is old enough).
Five Random Songs
1. From Yesterday-30 Second to Mars
1. From Yesterday-30 Second to Mars
2. Nature Boy-David Bowie (from the I AM SAM soundtrack)
3. Sometimes-Britney Spears
4. Tainted Love-Pussycat Dolls
5. Spiderwebs-No Doubt
Random Thought for Today: Keep searching until you find the magic bananna, it so worth it!