
So I was reading Kenzie a story out of Wayside School the other night and she looks up at me and sees something new. What was you ask? It was my nose hair. Kenzie said, "Daddy you have hair coming out of your nose, can I pull it out?" I guess this shouldn't surprise me; after all, my wife bought me a nose hair trimmer for Christmas! Bedtime is my time with Kenzie. We start off by fighting to get pj's on and then picking out ONE story to read. After reading one story of Kenzie's choosing we read a chapter of Wayside School (because it rocks). Kenzie's favorite chapter is chapter 19 Sammy. Sammy is a dead rat with a bad attitude. Next we read a bible story. We have read through her children’s bible 6 times now (not including the other two children’s bible's/story books she has). This has been such a reward. It is a great have Kenzie's bible teachers tell me she knows her stories very well! Then we finish our bedtime reading with a chapter from a novel. We have read Charlotte's Web, Because of Winne Dixie, The Little Princess, and Island of the Blue Dolphin. We are currently reading the Secret Garden and in the future will read Anne of Green Gables, The Wizard of Oz, The Little House on the Prairie series, and any other book I never read as a child and wish I had (Laurel hates Dickens, but I'm looking forward to reading some to her, as well as Harry Potter when she is old enough).
Five Random Songs
1. From Yesterday-30 Second to Mars
2. Nature Boy-David Bowie (from the I AM SAM soundtrack)
3. Sometimes-Britney Spears
4. Tainted Love-Pussycat Dolls
5. Spiderwebs-No Doubt
Random Thought for Today: Keep searching until you find the magic bananna, it so worth it!



I guess you can't hate a fuzzy monkey without repercussions.

Laurel and I had a great day together today and were late picking Kenzie up from school...oops! But when Kenzie got in the car she showed me what she made in school today:

Curious George!


Not Quite Father's Day (Thank You Laurel via Rachel Baker)

**Answers by Mackenzie**
What is a daddy? Laurel
My dad's name is... Sean Micheal
He likes to watch... a scary movie
For fun, my dad likes to... watch TV
My dad likes to eat... fruit salad
The thing my dad cooks best is... fruit salad
If I had a lot of money, I would buy dad...donuts
My dad is 3 years old
My dad smells like... a carrot
My dad's job is to... homework
I know my dad loves me because... he loves hugs

Okay, Kenzie was in a funny mood when she answered my questions, and it was right after she answered Laurel's questions. Fruit salad was a very popular answer. Evidently, I cook a great fruit salad (though do not actually remember making any). I did however; open a can of mixed fruit the other night, which Kenzie ate exactly none of. I do like a good scary movie. When I was Kenzie's age I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street and I turned out normal. Don't worry, I have no intention of letting Mackenzie see anything like that, Curious George is scary enough. I'm not sure why I smell like a carrot, but I can always go for a donut. My favorite donut is either a cake donut with sprinkles or a cruller with caramel icing...yum! Kenzie may get the idea that homework is the devil because it is my work, I guess I need to pretend I enjoy doing it a bunch (I can hear Tom Sawyer in my head now). I do love to get and give hugs from Kenzie; there is nothing better, especially after homework.

Just Shoot Me Now

I have to say that I hate Curious George. Every time I watch the fuzzy little monkey I can feel the cynicism flow through my veins. As I watch an episode I am constantly dumbfounded, completely confused how the human race has made it as long as it has.
Hi monkey, I need to go get my fix, will you watch my shop for me? Or Hi monkey, maybe you would like to cook dinner in my restaurant tonight? I wouldn't trust that monkey to take out my trash let alone take over my livelihood for a day. I can see it now.
Sean: Oh, Hi George. I'm being called out on an emergency, could you see my 4:00 for me?
George: OO-oohh-Ah (and a poo fling)
Sean: Thanks George I knew I could count on you!
Then when I get back from my emergency I find that George has driven my manic depressive 4:00 over the edge and they have slit their wrist in my office. But George has used the blood to paint a lovely jungle scene on my office wall.
Sean: Well, you win some, you lose some. Thanks for your help George.

Like I said, the cynicism is flowing through my veins.
Five Songs of the Day:
1. Addicted-Faithless (on the Cruel Intentions soundtrack)
2. After Me-Saliva
3. But Julian, I'm a Little Older-Courtney Love
4. Breakdown-Mae
5. Cure for the Itch-Linkin Park
Random Thought: The "magical amount" ruins a makeout session.


Here goes my virginity...

Well, maybe I'll keep up with this and it won't turn into something I start and never finish (e.g. emailing old friends, textbooks, scrap booking my Europe trip, adding more recipes to my cookbook, organizing my beads, playing guitar, reading the Bible, diets, exercising, fixing the hole in the bathroom wall, the to-do list on my computer, programming my Blackjack, backing up all my files and photos, this list could go on and on). I have to admit that I was against blogging at first. Thinking of blogging just gave me some anxiety, the pressure to be funny and witty. I mean come on, is there anything worse than reading a boring blog? You sit there and think to yourself, "I just wasted precious moments of my TV watching to read that crap?" (not that I've ever said that about your blog before). Okay, I suppose there are worse things, like when the internet goes down or when you want ice cream and the empty carton is in the freezer. A little side note, Laurel just said my blog was boring, UGH!
I think I have made a decision about my summer job conundrum. I think I'm going to look for a horrible minimum wage job. I figure from here on out I'll probably be doing counseling, and this may be my last chance to have a "oh, yeah I did that one summer" kind of job. I've already done video and grocery stores, but I'm not sure if I'm up to fast food. Maybe I can find a job at a miniature golf course and yell at kids for hitting the clown face on hole eight or something. I think part of this revelation of mine also has to do with the fact that I'm surrounded by Christians. I mean no offense to you guys, but it makes evangelism kind of hard--like going to a family reunion looking for a date (never again!). I just finished the How to be a Contagious Christian class on Wednesday nights and didn't get much out of it because my impact list consisted of people who live a minimum of 2 hours away. I need to spread my wings before they whither and fall off. I'm not sure what else to say for my first blog. So I'll leave you with two things. First is a list of five random songs from my mp3 player (a fun idea I ripped off a blog much cooler than mine) and a random thought.

Five Random Songs from my non-ipod device.
1. Some Might Say-Oasis
2. Fly From the Inside-Shinedown
3.The Kids Aren't Alright-The Offspring
4.The New York Times-Everclear
5. Paralyzing Kings-10 Years

(For you who have never heard of any of these, they are in a song, artist format)

Random Thought:

"Rub a monkey's tummy, Rub a monkey's tummy with your head"--Sideways Stories from Wayside School