
Some Early Pregnancy Observations...

Because Laurel and I started dating a week after Mackenzie's first birthday I missed out on the entire pregnancy experience. So although, __(name to be determined)__ will be my second child I have an exciting nine months ahead of me. So I will try and keep my faithful readers, few though they are, updated on the things I experience. Here are a few things I've noticed thus far:
1. Congratulating people on their pregnancy is kind of weird. I understand wanting to share the excitement and the sentiment; however, it can also seem like people are congratulating you on having sex. (Though, I can say that sometimes I've felt like telling people I had great sex so they can congratulate me!)
2. Something is in the water of the HomeBuilder class.
3. I feel lucky that my wife is craving salad at this point instead of something gross. I'm sure some of you know of some strange cravings. A girl I worked with once ate Oreo cookies and ranch dressing when she was pregnant.

Well that is it for now, I had more in mind until I started writing them, guess I'll have to keep a pen with me.....


Anonymous said...

Hey. . . congrats on the great sex! ;)

becca said...

well, i didn't realize at first that ya'll were pregnant and then i realized that it's a little awkward to congratulate conception... heh, but um... jr is going to look back at this blog someday and...well, who knows if he/she will laugh or cry from embarassment? ;0)